Author tab preferences
The following preferences are available on the Author tab:
Menu Editor Options
Default Background Color: This sets the default color for new menus created as described in Choosing the menu background.
Button Options
Default subpicture style: This sets the default subpicture style for buttons created from single-layer images and video assets. The choices are:
- Fill Button Shape: Creates a subpicture that covers the visible portion of the button.
- Outline Button Shape: Creates an outline subpicture around the visible portion of the button.
- Fill Highlight Rectangle: Creates a rectangular subpicture that covers the entire button.
- Outline Highlight Rectangle: Creates a rectangular outline subpicture around the entire button.
Use Button’s Subpicture: This setting is for buttons created from layered Photoshop files. When this checkbox is selected, the image in the Photoshop file’s Overlay layer is used as the subpicture.
Default button size: This sets the default width and height (in pixels) of buttons created by dragging large images, titles, and menus onto a menu background in the Preview window.
Maintain aspect ratio: If this checkbox is selected, a change to one of the Default button size dimensions automatically changes the other dimension to maintain the aspect ratio.
Scale smaller images up to this size: If this checkbox is selected, DVDit Pro automatically enlarges smaller images to the Default button size.