Trimming movies
Unwanted material can be trimmed easily from the beginning and end of a movie with no effect on the imported source files. You trim movies in the Preview window, and you can also see the effect of trimming in the Timeline window. Trimming affects all tracks simultaneously; tracks are trimmed even if they are locked or empty.
To trim a movie:
- Double-click the movie’s icon in the Project window. The movie appears in the Preview window.
- To trim the beginning of the movie, do one of the following:
- Drag the green Start Trim Point marker to the desired position on the Preview window’s timeline.
- Enter a timecode in the In Point box. The Start Trim Point marker jumps to the frame at that timecode.
- To trim the end of the movie, do one of the following:
- Drag the red End Trim Point marker to the desired position on the Preview window’s timeline.
- Enter a timecode in the Out Point box. The End Trim Point marker jumps to the frame at that timecode.
As you trim a movie, its video, audio, and subtitle tracks become shorter in the Timeline window. You can change the trim points or restore trimmed material as often as necessary.
See also:
Offsetting audio and subtitle tracks
Effect of trimming on chapter points.
To change a trim point, do one of the following:
- Drag the trim point marker you wish to edit to a new position on the Preview window’s timeline.
- Enter a new timecode in the In Point or Out Point box.
To restore material trimmed from the start of the movie:
- Drag the green Start Trim Point marker to the beginning of the Preview window’s timeline, or enter
in the In Point box.
To restore material trimmed from the end of the movie:
- Drag the red End Trim Point marker to the end of the Preview window’s timeline.
To restore all the material trimmed from the movie:
- Choose Timeline > Delete Trim Points. This resets the In Point and Out Point to the beginning and end of the movie timeline.
Trimming movies